Votos de Festas Felizes!
A Hora do Lobo
Que a Magia do Natal nos contagie e faça-nos sentir o que há de melhor em Nós!
Que esta #Magia nos encha de Paz e Amor!
Vamos contagia tudo e todos que nos rodeiam e sejamos Felizes!!!
Um Santo Natal para ti que passas por AQUI!
O Templo dos Índios
O Reino das Borboletas
Josefa Sousa
that seems like a great thanksgiving. time for solitude and reflection and time for friends. nice. also, i’m always intrigued by the use of negative space. just like in music when my children played taiko. in the “west” we are often listening to what we are actually playing. my children learned that the japanese taiko pieces made use of “ma,” that “silence” in between the beating of the drum. it’s interesting to see that in textiles and other works of art as well.being gentle on yoluserf…wonderful!
Thanks a lot!